Wednesday, October 19, 2005

LeapFrog’s Pentop Computer

The RED HERRING reports on LeapFrog's recently launched Fly Pentop Computer. The $99 device is aimed at “tweens” (kids 8-13) and "is able to recognize the characters written on a sheet of special Fly paper. Through an audio interface, the device also can tell kids the correct spelling, or give them a translation from Spanish to English and vice versa."

Sam Bhavnani at Current Analysis said, "This product totally missed back to school, which is probably the second-largest shopping period. Kids 8 to 13 that they’re targeting may not necessarily buy it mid-school year. The outlook for this product is the next back-to-school season."

However, Bhavnani called the product "unique" and stated "Computers are going to help these kids learn."

The key question is whether kids and parents will want to shell out $99 plus accessories for the product when there are so many other devices on the market competing for mindshare...