Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Report Highlights Wireless Industry's Economic Impact

The National Journal covers a report from Ovum that finds the "the wireless industry is a significant U.S. economic driver and is poised to create up to 3 million jobs and save $600 billion over 10 years." The report, which was commissioned by CTIA, also found that "about 2.5 percent of all jobs in the United States now depend on the wireless industry," and "the sector contributed $63 billion to U.S. governments in fees and taxes."

Robert Entner at Ovum said that "competitive pressure in the industry" makes quantifying the impact somewhat difficult. Even after taking a "conservative" approach, "we came out with really huge numbers," he added.

The rest of the article discusses the role government can play, or not play for that matter, in keeping the wireless engine purring...