Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Intel, Qualcomm Ready To Fight Over Emerging WiMax Standard

Yahoo! News carries a lengthy Investor's Business Daily article about the battle between Qualcomm and Intel regarding WiMax. Intel is championing the WiMax standard in hopes of building a market for its flavor of wireless broadband, which might circumvent current cellular technology. If it happens then Qualcomm may stand to lose.

Max Weise at Adventis said, "Intel is the godfather of WiMax. It'll be interesting to see how this battle plays out. At the moment, Qualcomm is probably better positioned."

The article looks at the current state of WiMax and the market challenge the technology faces. It also analyzes how much Qualcomm stands to lose if WiMax succeeds and the company's efforts to address it. John Freema at Precursor Group said, "Qualcomm is hedging its bets -- in case CDMA eventually gets killed off or loses out to OFDM."