Thursday, April 20, 2006

JupiterResearch: Verizon Wireless Retunes Music Message

Joseph Laszlo posts at the Jupiter Analyst Weblogs about Verizon Wireless changing its tune regarding V Cast music. Laszlo notes:

recently there's been a major change of rhetoric, where now the ads say "there are THREE ways to get music on your Verizon over the air, get it from our portal, OR sync music you've already got from your PC."
Laszlo thinks this is the right move and concludes:
I'm so happy to hear this message I don't even know what to say. It's entirely the right thing for the mobile operators to be doing, informing people that music on phones isn't exclusively about forcing you to re-buy your favorite songs. And I think long term it gets Verizon more sales from their music store, as more consumers are likely to appreciate the flexible value proposition of buy OR bring your own, expanding the music phone audience, and therefore the audience who might over time be persuaded to buy a track or two.
His colleague David Card at JupiterResearch agrees and posts that "this is at least the second really smart thing Verizon Wireless has done with music. The first was charging only 99 cents for a PC download that you could migrate to your phone. Music phones are all about sideloading for the moment."