Thursday, March 30, 2006

RAZR’s Now No. 1 in Europe

The RED HERRING picks up on the report from Telephia that the Motorola RAZR "doubled its market share in Europe to become the best-selling device on the continent." While the RAZR 6.2 percent market share in Q1 was an increase of 100 percent, Telephia didn't break out whether it was enough to boost Motorola's overall sales in Europe. Bernard Brenner at Telephia said, “Consumers see Motorola again as a serious player."

According to Gartner, "Nokia is a clear leader in Europe with around 40 percent of the market, about double the share of its next-closest competitor." Motorola is battling with Samsung for the 2nd spot.

Ben Woo at Gartner said, “It is clear that RAZR has made the Motorola brand cool again. Previously the image was that they had old-fashioned products.”