Monday, December 19, 2005

Sony on track to double PSP sales

Reuters reports that Sony "is on track to double the number of PlayStation Portable video game players sold in North America to around 6 million at the end of its first holiday season this year." Good numbers but as Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey said, "Clearly there is not the intoxication or hysteria that there is with the iPod."

Schelley Olhava at IDC said, "The PSP is for an older audience, the content is definitely for an older market." She also noted that "The market is limited because the price is so high."

Could Sony sell a lot more PSPs if pricing was lower, more compelling content was available, and the company in general was more customer friendly? You betcha, but this is just the early stages. The next holiday season will be a better gauge on whether the PSP ends up to be multimedia jewel or just a high-priced wireless lump of coal...