Friday, November 04, 2005

Mobile music 'gaining popularity'

Courtesy of Carlo Longino at the The Mobile Music Blog is this article in the BBC NEWS about the findings of a worldwide survey by TNS Technology on listening to music on a mobile handset.

The survey found that "nearly one in five of those questioned listened to music via a mobile that played MP3s." According to the article, the "survey was conducted among 6,800 16 to 18-year-olds in 16 countries including France, Germany, Russia and the UK."

TNS believed music "is the mobile phone application with most potential for growth," but current handsets were saddled with inferior audio quality and storage capacity.

Tacis Gavoyannis at TNS said, "I think looking into the future we will see an increase of music on the mobile phone and possibly a decrease in stereo usage. I see the UK market getting higher numbers of digital music usage on mobile phones because there will be a tendency, especially with the youth market, to have one gadget with all your tools on it."