Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Jupiter: PSP European Launch Sales

Ian Fogg at JupiterResearch blogs about the first weekend sales of the Sony PSP in the U.K. According to the BBC, 185,000 units were sold since the launch on September 3. Fogg believes these numbers are promising given the little advance promotion and the fact it's already been on the market in the U.S. for six months. As Fogg notes, Sony still needs to prove it can deliver results and more content:

Sony's success must be judged on PSP sales over the entire Christmas run up, as well as how the vital games sold per console ratios develop.
As i've noted in the past, there are very few compelling games being released on the PSP platform that take advantage of its design and features. My son probably has the same titles everyone else has like Wipeout Pure and Twisted Metal. Sony will need to step up the release of engaging content over the next few months or else the PSP will gather dust on the shelf...