Friday, September 16, 2005

Campus Connectivity: No Wires

Technology News writes that college campuses are a hotbed for mobile living with many companies in the industry targeting the institutions, faculty and students for their product and services.

Shiv Bakhshi at IDC said, "These guys -- kids on college campuses -- actually are mobile, and have access to computers; it's almost a requirement. I think the college campus is exactly the right place for mobile computing and wireless. These [students] are much more connected, much more innovative. The professor used to hang something on the door. Now, he writes an e-mail."

"College is changing, so it makes perfect sense that you have the processing of information and its transportation wirelessly. It makes more sense than anywhere else, Bakhshi added.

As technology improves, he opined "It will be a very competitive market. Over time, voice over WiFi will take over."

Roger Entner at Ovum also noted the digital lifestyle of cell phones and portable music players perfectly suited the college crowd. "If the bar is your living room, why have a wired line?"