Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My First Unsolicited Email Pitch

I received an email pitch today about a new wireless product, and I must say it's a very different feeling when you're on the receiving end. I've sent my fair share being a PR & AR practictioner so this is something new. On one hand, it's kind of neat that someone other than my family and friends is actually reading my stuff and taking time to email me. On the other hand, it should be clear on my blog that I don't write about mobile-related products and companies per se.

So just to clarify, I don't make news or write about it. I cover the analysts, who are commenting on the news in the mobile world. Sound confusing?

With that said, if there is a specific analyst I should be following or if I've missed an interesting analyst quote or report then please feel free to email me at the address on the left. And if you still insist on pitching me on your latest mobile gadget, app or service then I'm more than willing to try it as long as you don't expect me to blog about it :-)