Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Nokia: Thin Is In

Unstrung reports that according to a research note issued by Lehman Brothers, Nokia (NYSE: NOK) "is planning to start shipping slim new phones intended to compete with Motorola's (NYSE: MOT) wildly popular Razr handsets in the first half of next year." Lehman Brothers expects that "Nokia's thin phones, anticipated in the market for some time, will be unveiled before the end of this year and on sale in 2007."

Jack Gold at J.Gold Associates said, "They have been showing some concept phones. They have one that is a Razr competitor and one that has a [hard-drive based] music player built in."

Charles Golvin at Forrester Research added, "It does strike me as eerily similar to what happened with flip phones, where they are once again playing catch-up with a market trend. More important is the acceptance they get in the market for their own innovations, in particular the N series devices."