Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Carnival of the Mobilists - V.2

Russell Buckley and Carlo Longino at MobHappy have set up The Carnival of the Mobilists, a collection of illuminating, erudite posts about the mobile scene from the past week, and all gathered together in a central place.

Each week The Carnival of the Mobilists will be hosted at a different site, and the second edition was just posted on Oliver Starr's The Mobile Technology Weblog. They must have been short of content or waived the erudite and illumintating rule just for me, because they selected my tongue-in-cheek comments about Nintendo, McDonald's and unhealthy American kids :-)

I suggest you check out The Carnival of the Mobilists, because it offers up a lot of good insights on the mobile scene that oftentimes won't get covered here due to no analyst linkage. Enjoy.