Monday, May 15, 2006

Palm Uploads A New Treo reports that Palm's (nasdaq: PALM) Palm OS-based and "long-rumored Treo 700p, available initially from Sprint Nextel (nyse: S) and Verizon Wireless (nyse: VZ), taps the carriers' newest and fastest data networks, with speeds quick enough to download music and watch streaming video over the air."

According to IDC, "Palm scored 31% of the U.S. smartphone market in 2005, up from 18% in 2004, but competing units from Motorola (nyse: MOT), Research in Motion (nasdaq: RIMM) and Nokia (nyse: NOK) are breathing down Palm's neck. For example, analysts expect Verizon Wireless to start selling Motorola's Razr-slim, often-delayed smartphone, "Q," within weeks."

Jack Gold at J. Gold Associates said, "It's a logical upgrade for Treo 650 users who haven't seen a new Palm OS unit in a few years."

According to the article, "the 700p also features a 1.3-megapixel camera and built-in Bluetooth support, and can be used as a wireless modem for Windows and Apple (nasdaq: AAPL) computers."