Friday, September 30, 2005

Disney Mixes it Up with Pint-Sized MP3 Player

Technology News reports on the recently announced Disney Mix Sticks MP3/WMA player for kids. The $49 themed digital music players, such as Forever Princess and Sassy Pixie, among other models, will be available at Target, Sears, Limited Too, and Disney's online store in mid-October.

Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg commenting on "Disney's dual-strategy of offering some prerecorded Disney-esque content while still allowing kids to download their favorite songs from the Internet," said, "Disney didn't take the exclusive route where you can only play Disney content. They are leaving it open. And at $49, it is certainly priced to move."

"The Mix Stick has a kid-friendly notion about it. This might be an option for parents who are not be inclined to spend the premium iPod price for a younger child. But I don't know it going to have that cross appeal with adults. Adults tend to want the cachet of the iPod," he added.